What is the life expectancy after ECMO?
I understand that ECMO, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, is a life-saving treatment that provides oxygenated blood to the body when the heart and lungs are unable to do so on their own. However, I'm curious about the life expectancy of patients who have undergone ECMO treatment. Specifically, does undergoing ECMO significantly impact a person's overall life expectancy? Are there any factors that contribute to a longer or shorter life expectancy after ECMO, such as the underlying condition that necessitated the treatment or the success of the treatment itself? Additionally, what are the potential long-term health effects of ECMO that patients and their families should be aware of?

How is life after ECMO?
I'm curious to know, how does life feel after undergoing ECMO therapy? Does it bring about significant changes in one's physical condition, daily routines, or emotional well-being? Are there any lasting effects that patients need to be aware of, or any advice you would give to those who have recently completed their ECMO treatment journey? Understanding the aftermath of such a critical intervention can be invaluable for both patients and their families.